Mountain, Get out of My Way!

Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Terence Moorer believes that success lies within the heart, along with a strong faith in God. He has been successful achieving his dream of being the best in the entertainment industry, sports, public speaking and the beverage industry, where he presently pursues his career. His experience in marketing and public relations has led him on an unimaginable journey. As a music coach, he prepares artists to survive in the entertainment business by teaching the business of music. Born with Cerebral Palsy, he uses this disability as motivation to live the best life possible. Working in the past with Queen Latifah, MTV, NBA Entertainment, Quincy Jones Productions, Walt Disney World, MC Lyte, TNT sports analyst Kenny Smith and others. For a free music consultation. contact a member of his staff by email at

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Start your tomorrow, today

Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes... But no plans. Peter F. Drucker
Ok, we have all been guilty of being major procrastinators from time to time. Everyone needs to come up for air once in a while, especially with today's hectic lifestyle. But if you are constantly putting things off stating "I'm too tired," or "I don't feel like it today." Are you holding back your own success? If you find it difficult to to do minor tasks, then you will face major problems, by waiting till the last minute to finish a project or goal and giving your competitor the edge.

If we keep doing what we're doing, we're going to keep getting what we're getting. Stephen R. Covey
People approach me all the time about being successful, but rarely take the steps needed to be successful. It's not enough to wish for it. You have to want it. You have to make the commitment to accomplish your goals. That's what's separating you at this very moment from the Donald Trump, Barry Murdock, Meg Whitman and Bob Johnson's of the world.
Make a commitment today to stop procrastinating! Make a list and and each day check items off. Prepare yourself slowly to become successful. Yell "I will stop procrastinating!!" Write it down and put it somewhere as a daily reminder. Success comes today, not tomorrow.
You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take action. Anthony Robbins

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Terence Moorer-Exceptional Posted by Hello

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play

Living a creative life.

Life is about creativity. Life is about dreams, passion and adventure. So many people these days are living a life without creativity. We get caught up in the daily work grind, running the kids back and forth between schools, corporate meetings, late night fast food dinners and reruns on the Comedy Channel. I challenge everyone to think ahead about a life filled with smiles, passion and excitment. Put that vision in motion by taking the time each week to say

"I reflect on my past, look to the future and understand the present."
Most important do not live in the present. Present only last a second before it becomes the past. Understand that challenges will come (not problems). Focus on the solution and understand that it is a challenge that you faced before, with a different twist.

What have you ever dreamed about doing but at the last minute thought it was a foolish idea. Was it sky diving? Was it learning Salsa? How about learning another language? Live a creative life and start each day with a new promise!